Content of the exposure session:

  • A professional look at the mental and emotional challenges of employees returning from reserve duty, and their impact on functioning and reintegration into the organization. Dr. Ronnie Simmons, Senior Clinical Psychologist

  • Personal story – Yizhar David, founder and chairman of the association suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder during his harrowing service in the Shin Bet and hid it from the organization for 9 years.

  • The results of the quantitative survey show the difficulties faced by reserve soldiers returning from the 8th Battalion to the workplace.

  • Practices and applied tools built on the basis of meetings with over 1,300 reservists, which assist in their optimal reintegration into the organization.

  • Challenges in integrating returning employees from 8

    A group discussion that will address the difficulties and dilemmas of human resources managers in managing the return-to-work process after extended reserve service.

To register

Register for the exposure meeting and receive knowledge, practices and practical tools from a professional team that has met over 1,300 reservists from Iron Swords since the beginning of the war.

The meeting is free of charge. The number of places is limited and requires advance registration.

Meeting location: Herzliya Pituach

*The assignment and meeting date will be determined after registration

Please fill in the following information:
